NovoMix 30 penfill cartridges are for use with your insulin pen in the treatment of patients with diabetes. It has a rapid onset and an intermediate duration of action which means it can be used to control your blood sugar levels during meals and also between meals and at nighttime.
NovoMix 30 is a blood sugar-lowering mixture of man-made insulins that has a rapid onset and an intermediate duration of action. Its primary action is the regulation of sugar breakdown from the food you eat. All types of insulin including NovoMix 30 work by activating mechanisms in your body that lower blood sugar. They increase the absorption of sugar from the blood and into fat and skeletal muscle while also blocking the production and release of sugar from the liver into the blood.
The rapid absorption of insulin aspart itself is maintained by NovoMix 30. The insulin aspart component (30%) of the mixture is absorbed more rapidly from than naturally occurring human insulin and begins to work within 15 minutes. The remaining 70% of the mixture is insulin aspart protamine which has a long absorption profile lasting up to 24 hours. The peak activity of NovoLog Mix 70/30 is between one to four hours after subcutaneous (under the skin) injection.
Individual dosing schedules will vary among patients and should be determined by your doctor who is familiar with your eating habits, metabolic needs and other lifestyle variables. With all insulin therapies the action of the insulin can change according to the injection site, dose, temperature, blood flow and your level of physical activity.